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Attention Members: Be Vigilant Against Phishing Emails

Published on 9/2/2024
Attention Members: Be Vigilant Against Phishing Emails

You may be aware that several ICF chapters were recently impacted by phishing attempts. In these attempts, the criminals spoofed email addresses to make it look like the emails to members were coming from chapter leaders. Please keep in mind that our chapter leadership will never ask you to make a purchase on our behalf.

We want to remind everyone to stay vigilant against phishing emails, which are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Here are some common tactics used by cybercriminals that you might not be aware of:
  1. Spoofed Email Addresses: Phishers often use email addresses that look very similar to legitimate ones, with minor changes that are easy to overlook (e.g., using “rn” instead of “m”).

  2. Urgent or Threatening Language: Emails that create a sense of urgency or fear, such as threats of account suspension or urgent requests for personal information, are often phishing attempts.

  3. Unexpected Attachments or Links: Be cautious of unexpected attachments or links, even if they appear to come from someone you know. Always verify with the sender through a different communication method.

  4. Too Good to Be True Offers: Emails offering incredible deals, prizes, or rewards are often traps designed to steal your personal information.

  5. Requests for Personal Information: Legitimate organizations will never ask for sensitive information like passwords, Social Security numbers, or credit card details via email.

  6. Mismatched URLs: Hover over links to check if the URL matches the text. Phishers often use URLs that look legitimate but lead to malicious sites.
Stay alert and report any suspicious emails to ICF Iowa leaders immediately. Your vigilance helps keep our organization safe!