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A Look in the Rear-View Mirror

Dorene MacVey | Published on 11/6/2023
A Look in the Rear-View Mirror

As I write this November President’s message, I am reflecting on how fast this year has gone. Wow!  And, I am feeling all the feels that go along with closing my term as chapter President.  Here are a few of my authentic emotions. 

I am….proud.  We have accomplished so much as a chapter.  I have been on this Board for the past 6 years (3 years as membership, 1 year as VP, 1 year as President, now Past President).  The progress we have made as a chapter makes me proud.  We have worked hard to grow in the right ways, focusing on the value we bring to our community of Coaches across the State of Iowa.  I recently submitted our chapter’s 2023 Annual Report to ICF Global. I was proud of our accomplishments but most importantly that we kept our eye on the ball – serving our members.  

I am….excited.  This chapter is in great hands as we move forward.  Our new 2024 Board is full of talent, commitment, and dedication.  I know this team will drive us forward to new heights.   We have a blend of experienced leadership and as well as new thinking leading us into next year. It will be fantastic!   

I am….passionate.  Each one of us is making a difference within our workplaces, our homes, and our communities. Our work is so important and needed.  I love the ICF community that lifts each other up, pushes us to be better and always meets us where we are.  There are so many ways we can support one another.  

I am…..optimistic.  Every year as we transition our Board leadership, I think about where we can go as a chapter. It is up to all of us to ensure we keep this positive momentum going.  It will require people to step forward to continue progress.  I know it is a time challenge, but I am optimistic about the call.  I hope you will consider serving and using your talents to help our chapter.  

I am…..refreshed.  I am ready to dive into new experiences and I am renewed through the relationships and community I have experienced.  I love meeting new people and I have enjoyed meeting Coaches in different parts of the world through ICF.  

I am…..incredibly, incredibly grateful.  For the ICF Iowa Board, the ICF Iowa Coaching Community and Global ICF.  All are near and dear to my heart. I treasure the friendships I have made.  Thank you for helping me grow personally and pushing me to be a better Coach, Leader and human being.  

May we all shine as bright as possible in the world and multiply our impact through service to others. 

With Much Gratitude,

Dorene MacVey
President, ICF Iowa Chapter

P.S. -- Be sure to jump on the November 14th State of the Chapter meeting. In addition to our meeting, we will have some fun together!