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New Member Spotlight - Brittany Titcomb

Published on 3/4/2024
New Member Spotlight - Brittany Titcomb
Brittany Web
Brittany is the owner of BT Coaching and Consulting. She has been coaching individuals and leaders for over 3 years and is an iPEC grad and obtained her ACC in Fall of 2023.

Brittany is a personal development coach who focuses on uncovering the thoughts and fears that are preventing action, in order to build confidence and increase self-worth. She believes that everyone has the potential to grow, develop, and do great things. Sometimes we just need some guidance to get there AND we need courage. Yes, courage. Often, the things that are holding us back are fears. Fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough, fear of not having all the answers—the list goes on. She is dedicated to creating a safe environment where people can explore their aspirations and fears that might be holding them back from reaching their goals while developing actionable strategies to propel them forward.

Brittany has spent most of her career in the manufacturing industry and for over 12 years, has elevated organizational performance through strategic organizational development tailored to maximizing potential, optimizing productivity, building effective leadership capability, building effective teams, and training employees to align with the organization’s strategic goals. With an MBA with an emphasis on organizational development, Brittany brings people and processes together to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

She lives with her husband, Chris, and their three cats in Marshalltown. Brittany loves camping, mountain biking, and kayaking.

Brittany can be reached at and at 641-844- 7422.