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Have You Ever?

Have you ever stopped to think about the benefits of all the things with which you are involved? One of my friends asked me what the benefits of being involved with ICF Iowa are and why consider joining? I stopped and thought about it and without taking much time I shared with her the following:

  • Great programs that support you in the continued development of coaching skills and earning CCEUs
  • Opportunities to learn more about how to develop your coaching practice
  • Networking with awesome people in Iowa and beyond
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Friendships which go way beyond the chapter meetings
  • Time to dream and have fun with like-minded peers

ICF Iowa annual dues are $75 with a $25 discount for ICF Global members - as they pay over $200/year as members of ICF Global.  ICF Iowa membership is based on a rolling renewal, and members will receive email notification of upcoming renewal date 30 days before expiration date.

Thank you for your support of the ICF Iowa Chapter.

Get Involved. Meet New People. Have Fun!

We are a volunteer organization. Many hands make light work. Consider becoming involved. You'll get to know your fellow coaches and grow at the same time. Most of all, it's fun.

  • Be an Ambassador - If you would like to help welcome new members consider becoming an ambassador. For more information contact Erin Lego, our Membership Director, at
  • Love to meet in person and learn from each other? - Help plan our quarterly networking events by volunteering on the website.  Click here to sign up.

Grow Your Exposure to the Business Community

Businesses and Organizations Want You!

Do you want to meet more people? Share what you have to offer? Connect with Businesses? In order to make it more efficient for businesses to search for a coach on our website our Board has invested in upgrading and expanding our membership directory. The public will be able to visit our website and search for the type of coach in which they are interested. (i.e. Leadership, Life, Career, Health, Team coach etc.) Below are directions to update your profile.

Log in to our website - go to Member login (by your name in the upper right  hand corner) and navigate to My Directory Listing.  Click on Additional Information to answer these questions that correlate to the Find a Coach directory:

  • What type of academic degree do you hold?
  • Even if you do not hold an ICF Global credential, do you have a certification from an ICF Global Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP)?
  • Do you hold an ICF Global credential?
  • Is your coaching practice focused on Personal or Business Coaching? Check all that apply.
  • Are you available as a speaker or trainer for keynote addresses, workshops, seminars, etc?

After choosing your answers, click on Save.

Next, from My Directory Listing, click on Coaching Areas to answer these questions that correlate to the Find a Coach directory:

  • Specialty Area
  • Coaching Method
  • Languages Spoken

After choosing your answers, click on Save.

If you would like your profile to list your ICF Credentials please update your name in the profile area with a comma after your last name and then list your credentials.